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eBook Python: 3 Manuscripts in 1 book (English Edition)

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Oferta postada por Alessandra Stoy
Python: 3 Manuscripts in 1 book: - Python Programming For Beginners - Python Programming For Intermediates - Python Programming for Advanced

This Box Set Includes 3 Books:

Python Programming For Beginners - Learn The Basics Of Python In 7 Days!

Python Programming For Intermediates - Learn The Basics Of Python In 7 Days!

Python Programming For Advanced - Learn The Basics Of Python In 7 Days!

Python Programming For Beginners - Learn The Basics Of Python In 7 Days!

Here's what you'll learn from this book:
✓Understanding Python: A Detailed Background
✓How Python Works
✓Python Glossary
✓How to Download and Install Python
✓Python Programming 101: Interacting With Python in Different Ways
✓How to Write Your First Python Program
✓Variables, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries
✓About User-Defined Functions
✓How to Write User-Defined Functions in Python
✓About Coding Style
✓Practice Projects: The Python Projects for Your Practice

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